Electrolysis is…

A commitment you make to yourself, for yourself.

The gold standard for hair removal - the only FDA approved method of permanent hair removal.

Effective on all hair textures, colors and skin types.

…For everyone

How it Works

Invented almost 150 years ago by Dr. Charles Michel, electrolysis uses electricity to create a destructive reaction in the hair follicle, eliminating the source of the unwanted hair.

Electrolysis treatments are performed using advanced Apilus technology and strict adherence to all national standards of sterilization and sanitation procedures established by the American Electrology Association in conjunction with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

A sterile probe is gently inserted in the hair follicle along the side of the hair.

A measured amount of electrical energy is then released via the probe into the follicle to destroy the source of growth.

After the follicle has been treated with the electrical current, it is then gently removed with forceps.

In order to successfully remove the treated hair, it much be at least 1/8th of an inch long at the time of treatment.

Continuity of Treatment


One of the most important elements of achieving successful destruction of the hair follicle is the continuity of treatment.

Permanent results are best achieved by faithful participation of each patient in a planned program that has been tailored to their individual needs.